
Hymn Scripture Links

2%2520Corinthians 6

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
6:1 183 Come, for the Father's love
6:10 183 Come, for the Father's love
6:10 399 Master, we would no longer be
6:10 281 Jesus, my Saviour! Thou art mine,
6:10 279 Jesus! the very thought of Thee
6:11 15 Lord, on the throne Thy love's the same
6:11-13 63 Our God and Father, Thee we bless,
6:13 183 Come, for the Father's love
6:14 198 Lord Jesus, as gathered before Thee
6:15 58 Lord, we are Thine, bought by Thy blood,
6:16 173 Thou dwellest now, O God, midst fragrant praise
6:16 74 Rest of the saints above,
6:16 221 Jerusalem, the holy,
6:16 258 Our God, from Thee in love divine
6:16 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
6:17 333 Our God and Father, we are here to share
6:17 192 We love, Lord Jesus, to recall
6:17 201 Thou Holy One and True,
6:17 53 We'll sing of God's wonderful gospel,
6:18 385 Father, in Thy love abiding,
6:18 74 Rest of the saints above,
6:18 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
6:2 417 Who will hearken to the story
6:2 202 Hark! hark! the voice of Christ, the sinner's Saviour,
6:2 208 Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
6:2 332 Hark to the message sounding
6:2 266 Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,
6:2 70 Come! hear the gospel sound,
6:2 196 "All things are ready," Come!
6:4-10 455 There is a Name we love to hear,
6:4-10 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
6:6,7 89 O blessèd Holy Spirit,
6:6,7 97 O Holy Spirit of our God,
6:8-10 210 Our times are in Thy hand;